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Hope and despair Hope is what keeps life going. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day. Nothing remains the same we have only one choice keep moving on in life, endure, and be hopeful. Through hope, in the midst of winter, we find within us an invincible summer.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

it was a "what the heck" moments

ok so i was driving up to my brother's house (matt), so we could head up to work. and i see this mini van coming up fast behind me so i kindly moved into the middle lane to get out of her way and as she was passing me i looked over and i remember saying out loud..."what the....?" this is what i saw....

i dunno if you can see it but her steering wheel is on the left side...when she passed me it threw me off and i just felt toooooooo close to was a "what the crap?" anyway....


Kendra said...

How does that even make sense?! It doesn't!! Love you!

Cali Haynie Rutter said...

haha hysterical!! Must be from another country!.

Strebel's said...

that is funny.. when I was in England..the first few days I had a hard time because they drive on the wrong side of the road.. and the Taxi driver would always tease us about oh do you want to drive...

Pierce and Stacy said...

I am SO adding you to my blog. Why haven't we been blog friends? I don't understand, is it me?